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Friday 6 July 2012

Email Hacking ?

What is email spoofing:=
E-mail spoofing is the forgery of an e-mail header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source...

So lets get started

For email spoofing we need about four things
PHP script
Filezilla(FTP client software)
a webhosting site
victim's email

Here is that php script

Code: [Select all]


$to = 'victim email';

$subject = 'subject(example:-Account hacked!!)';

$message = 'message(example:-your facebook account is hacked so please reply to this email with your old username and password of facebook)';

$header = 'From: from fake email(
Reply-To: reply to real email(your email)';

$mail = mail($to,$subject,$message,$header);

if($mail) {
echo 'Email sent to '.$to;

Ok now select a webhosting site

I prefer 000webhost

now select a domain name and after that go to cpanel for user name and password because u have to upload the php script

the last thing u need is Filezilla
(ftp client software)
Download filezilla

After that open filezilla

now go to cpanel of ur website and copy the host name & username

Now open filezilla and paste hostname username and password

After editing, upload that php script(test.php)

Now open in your browser

Now If your victim reply to your email then u will surely get that email id and password

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