These Easter Eggs apply to Google Chromium + Chrome web browsers.
Chrome + Chromium about: links.
Some of these commands are undocumented, have been modified, updated, renamed and/or discontinued. Therefore not all of them exist in all browser versions, and some may have different names and/or changed functionality in newer browser builds.
Things you can do with the built-in (internal) "about:" command [command names and all parameters are case insensitive], translated as "chrome://" into the browser [ending forward slash (/) after parameter name (chrome://parameter/) is optional]:
about: (chrome://about/) = Chrome and built-in components + supported standards version info
about:about (chrome://about/about/) = complete list of available about: (chrome://) commands; same as about:chrome-urls (chrome://chrome-urls/) (see further below)
about:appcache-internals (chrome://appcache-internals/) = application caches info
about:blank = new empty browser tab (window) with white background; see also "KILL IE ABOUT: URLS", also in REGISTRY.TXT [part of W95-11D.EXE]
about:blob-internals (chrome://blob-internals/) = internal blob data info
about:bookmarks (chrome://bookmarks/) = built-in Bookmark Manager
about:bugreport (chrome://bugreport/) = built-in BugReport options (if any)
about:cache = list of locally cached URLs (http:// + https:// protocols); same as about:view-http-cache (chrome://view-http-cache/) (see further below)
about:chrome/help (chrome://chrome/help/) = built-in Help (About) page
about:chrome-urls (chrome://chrome-urls/) = complete list of available about: (chrome://) commands; same as about:about (chrome://about/about/) (see further above)
about:constrained-test (chrome://constrained-test/) = detailed constrained test
about:crashes (chrome://crashes/) = list of all browser crashes (if any)
about:credits (chrome://about/credits/) = list of all components + technologies used in Chrome with respective home page + license URLs
about:conflicts (chrome://conflicts/) = list of all Modules loaded + registered (available for loading when needed) into Google Chrome and eventual conflicts (if any)
about:devtools (chrome-devtools://devtools/) = list of available developer tools (Chrome developer builds only)
about:dns (chrome://about/dns/) = list of all prefetched + preresolved DNS records + host names
about:downloads (chrome://downloads/) = built-in Downloads Manager
about:extensions (chrome://extensions/) = built-in Extensions Manager
about:extension-icon (chrome://extension-icon/) = list of extensions icons
about:favicon (chrome://favicon/) = built-in browser favicon
about:flags (chrome://flags/) = list of all available configurable/customizable settings + features that can be disabled or enabled; similar to about:labs (chrome://labs/) (see further below)
about:flash (chrome://flash/) = detailed info about (built-in or external) Flash plug-in
about:gpu (chrome://gpu/) (newer browser versions) or about:gpu-internals (chrome://gpu-internals/) (older browser versions) = GPU Info tab: video hardware Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) + Chrome/Chromium features, status, version, driver info, diagnostics + logs; Profiling tab: moved under about:tracing (chrome://tracing/) (see further below)
about:histograms (chrome://about/histograms/) = list of all available histograms + graphs
about:history (chrome://history/) (older browser versions) = built-in browsing History Manager
about:history2 (chrome://history2/) (newer browser versions) = built-in browsing History Manager with color coded URL interface + more features
about:internets (chrome://internets/) [undocumented!] = "Internets": "Don't Clog the Tubes!" animated 3D pipes, similar to Windows 9x/NTx OpenGL screen saver ; must have sspipes.scr in %windir%\SYSTEM32 (Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7) for this to work [%windir% = usually C:\WINDOWS (WinXP/2003/Vista/2008/7) or C:\WINNT (Win2000)]; older Chrome builds only, newer builds display error 300 invalid URL web page ;-(
about:ipc (chrome://ipc/) = IPC detailed info
about:keyboard (chrome://keyboard/) = built-in default keyboard shortcuts + combos
about:labs (chrome://labs/) = list of all available configurable/customizable settings + features that can be disabled or enabled; similar to about:flags (chrome://flags/) (see further above)
about:media-internals (chrome://media-internals/) = list of Active audio streams + Cached resources (if any)
about:memory (chrome://memory/) or chrome://about/memory/ (older browser versions) or chrome://memory-redirect/ (newer browser versions) = memory usage in multi-process browsing: summary + processes
about:net-internals (chrome://net-internals/) = net internals info: data, proxy, events, DNS, sockets, SPDY, HTTP cache, HTTP throttling, SPIs, tests + HSTS
about:network (chrome://network/) = I/O tracking info: list of all images, scripts + objects from a web page opened in a new tab
about:newtab (chrome://newtab/) = opens a new browser tab
about:objects (chrome://objects/) = list of all Objects on current web page
about:plugins (chrome://plugins/) = installed plug-ins info + disable/enable separately each plug-in in case of problems
about:print (chrome://print/) = built-in Print Manager
about:quota-internals (chrome://quota-internals/) = 3 tabs detailed info:
Summary: Summary + Misc Statistics
Usage & Quota: Usage and Quota Database Browser
Data: Dump
about:sessions (chrome://sessions/) = list of Sessions (x) + Magic List (x) (if any)
about:settings (chrome://settings/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager main screen [defaults to Basics screen if not followed by other available option after the forward slash (/)]; see below for available options
about:settings/autofill (chrome://settings/autofill/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Autofill Options screenabout:settings/basics (chrome://settings/basics/) = built-in browser Options (settings) Manager Basics screen; same as about:settings/browser (chrome://settings/browser/) (see below)
about:settings/browser (chrome://settings/browser/) = built-in browser Options (settings) Manager Basics screen; same as about:settings/basics (chrome://settings/basics/) (see above)
about:settings/clearbrowserdata (chrome://settings/clearbrowserdata/) built-in Options (settings) Manager Clear Browsing Data pop up window:
Clear browsing history
Clear download history
Empty the cache
Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data
Clear saved passwords
Clear saved Autofill form data
about:settings/contentexceptions (chrome://settings/contentexceptions/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Cookie and Site Data Exceptions screen (defaults to Cookie and Site Data Exceptions screen if not followed by other available option preceded by #); available options:
about:settings/contentexceptions#cookies (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#cookies) = Cookie and Site Data Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#fullscreen (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#fullscreen) = Fullscreen Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#images (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#images) = Image Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#javascript (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#javascript) = JavaScript Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#location (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#location) = Geolocation Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#mouselock (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#mouselock) = Mouse Cursor Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#notifications (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#notifications) = Notifications Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#plugins (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#plugins) = Plug-in Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#popups (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#popups) = Pop-up Exceptions
about:settings/cookies (chrome://settings/cookies/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Cookies and Other Data screen
about:settings/fonts (chrome://settings/fonts/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Fonts and Encoding screen
about:settings/handlers (chrome://settings/handlers/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Protocol Handlers screen
about:settings/importdata (chrome://settings/importdata/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Import Bookmarks and Settings dialog box
about:settings/languages (chrome://settings/languages/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Languages screen
about:settings/packextensionoverlay (chrome://settings/packextensionoverlay/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Pack Extension dialog box
about:settings/passwords (chrome://settings/passwords/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Passwords screen
about:settings/personal (chrome://settings/personal/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Personal screen
about:settings/searchengines (chrome://settings/searchengines/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Search Engines screen
about:settings/syncsetup (chrome://settings/syncsetup/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Sync in with your Google Account dialog box
about:settings/underthehood (chrome://settings/underthehood/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Under the Hood screen
about:stats (chrome://stats/) = Counters + Timers values, delta + time test benchmarks stats
about:sync (chrome://sync/) = browser sync detailed info
about:sync-internals (chrome://sync-internals/) = sync internals info: about, data, notifications, events + sync node browser
about:syncpromo (chrome://syncpromo/) = Welcome to Google Chrome screen: set up Chrome with Google account, Google account sign in screen and link to back up and sync bookmarks, history + settings
about:tcmalloc (chrome://about/tcmalloc/) = last page load/reload stats
about:terms (chrome://about/terms/) = terms of service (TOS) agreement
about:textfields (chrome://textfields/) = textfields detailed info (if any)
about:tracing (chrome://tracing/) = Record tracing stats: records + displays keyboard key presses + mouse movement into buffer; Load: loads tracing stats from file; Save: saves tracing stats to file; about:gpu (chrome://gpu/ Profiling tab: moved here (see further above)
about:version (chrome://about/version/) = Chrome and built-in components + supported standards version info
about:view-http-cache (chrome://view-http-cache/) = list of locally cached URLs (http:// + https:// protocols); same as about:cache (see further above)
about:workers (chrome://workers/) = list of Shared workers (if any): Id, URL, Name + Process id.
Built-in (internal) "about:" commands with debug functions (self explanatory), which mimic an error or other situation that crashes/hangs/kills the browser:
about:crash (chrome://crash/) = displays dark slate gray crash web page
about:inducebrowsercrashforrealz (chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/) = crashes the browser after which displays this dialog message:
"Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Relaunch now?
OK Cancel"
about:kill (chrome://kill/) = displays indigo kill web page
about:hang (chrome://hang/) = locks up the browser
about:shorthang (chrome://shorthang/) = locks up the browser
about:gpuclean (chrome://gpuclean/) = empty GPU (texture) buffer
about:gpucrash (chrome://gpucrash/) = displays error 300 invalid URL web page
about:gpuhang (chrome://gpuhang/) = displays error 300 invalid URL web page.
Google Chrome crash + kill web pages display this message:
"Aw, Snap!"
CAUTION: These debug commands crash, hang or kill the browser! Use only if needed.
More like these:
Google Chrome's about: Pages.
List of About Pages and Hidden Easter Eggs in Google Chrome Browser.
Google Chrome's List of Special about: Pages.
Google Chrome easter eggs.
Chrome + Chromium about: links.
Some of these commands are undocumented, have been modified, updated, renamed and/or discontinued. Therefore not all of them exist in all browser versions, and some may have different names and/or changed functionality in newer browser builds.
Things you can do with the built-in (internal) "about:" command [command names and all parameters are case insensitive], translated as "chrome://" into the browser [ending forward slash (/) after parameter name (chrome://parameter/) is optional]:
about: (chrome://about/) = Chrome and built-in components + supported standards version info
about:about (chrome://about/about/) = complete list of available about: (chrome://) commands; same as about:chrome-urls (chrome://chrome-urls/) (see further below)
about:appcache-internals (chrome://appcache-internals/) = application caches info
about:blank = new empty browser tab (window) with white background; see also "KILL IE ABOUT: URLS", also in REGISTRY.TXT [part of W95-11D.EXE]
about:blob-internals (chrome://blob-internals/) = internal blob data info
about:bookmarks (chrome://bookmarks/) = built-in Bookmark Manager
about:bugreport (chrome://bugreport/) = built-in BugReport options (if any)
about:cache = list of locally cached URLs (http:// + https:// protocols); same as about:view-http-cache (chrome://view-http-cache/) (see further below)
about:chrome/help (chrome://chrome/help/) = built-in Help (About) page
about:chrome-urls (chrome://chrome-urls/) = complete list of available about: (chrome://) commands; same as about:about (chrome://about/about/) (see further above)
about:constrained-test (chrome://constrained-test/) = detailed constrained test
about:crashes (chrome://crashes/) = list of all browser crashes (if any)
about:credits (chrome://about/credits/) = list of all components + technologies used in Chrome with respective home page + license URLs
about:conflicts (chrome://conflicts/) = list of all Modules loaded + registered (available for loading when needed) into Google Chrome and eventual conflicts (if any)
about:devtools (chrome-devtools://devtools/) = list of available developer tools (Chrome developer builds only)
about:dns (chrome://about/dns/) = list of all prefetched + preresolved DNS records + host names
about:downloads (chrome://downloads/) = built-in Downloads Manager
about:extensions (chrome://extensions/) = built-in Extensions Manager
about:extension-icon (chrome://extension-icon/) = list of extensions icons
about:favicon (chrome://favicon/) = built-in browser favicon
about:flags (chrome://flags/) = list of all available configurable/customizable settings + features that can be disabled or enabled; similar to about:labs (chrome://labs/) (see further below)
about:flash (chrome://flash/) = detailed info about (built-in or external) Flash plug-in
about:gpu (chrome://gpu/) (newer browser versions) or about:gpu-internals (chrome://gpu-internals/) (older browser versions) = GPU Info tab: video hardware Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) + Chrome/Chromium features, status, version, driver info, diagnostics + logs; Profiling tab: moved under about:tracing (chrome://tracing/) (see further below)
about:histograms (chrome://about/histograms/) = list of all available histograms + graphs
about:history (chrome://history/) (older browser versions) = built-in browsing History Manager
about:history2 (chrome://history2/) (newer browser versions) = built-in browsing History Manager with color coded URL interface + more features
about:internets (chrome://internets/) [undocumented!] = "Internets": "Don't Clog the Tubes!" animated 3D pipes, similar to Windows 9x/NTx OpenGL screen saver ; must have sspipes.scr in %windir%\SYSTEM32 (Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7) for this to work [%windir% = usually C:\WINDOWS (WinXP/2003/Vista/2008/7) or C:\WINNT (Win2000)]; older Chrome builds only, newer builds display error 300 invalid URL web page ;-(
about:ipc (chrome://ipc/) = IPC detailed info
about:keyboard (chrome://keyboard/) = built-in default keyboard shortcuts + combos
about:labs (chrome://labs/) = list of all available configurable/customizable settings + features that can be disabled or enabled; similar to about:flags (chrome://flags/) (see further above)
about:media-internals (chrome://media-internals/) = list of Active audio streams + Cached resources (if any)
about:memory (chrome://memory/) or chrome://about/memory/ (older browser versions) or chrome://memory-redirect/ (newer browser versions) = memory usage in multi-process browsing: summary + processes
about:net-internals (chrome://net-internals/) = net internals info: data, proxy, events, DNS, sockets, SPDY, HTTP cache, HTTP throttling, SPIs, tests + HSTS
about:network (chrome://network/) = I/O tracking info: list of all images, scripts + objects from a web page opened in a new tab
about:newtab (chrome://newtab/) = opens a new browser tab
about:objects (chrome://objects/) = list of all Objects on current web page
about:plugins (chrome://plugins/) = installed plug-ins info + disable/enable separately each plug-in in case of problems
about:print (chrome://print/) = built-in Print Manager
about:quota-internals (chrome://quota-internals/) = 3 tabs detailed info:
Summary: Summary + Misc Statistics
Usage & Quota: Usage and Quota Database Browser
Data: Dump
about:sessions (chrome://sessions/) = list of Sessions (x) + Magic List (x) (if any)
about:settings (chrome://settings/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager main screen [defaults to Basics screen if not followed by other available option after the forward slash (/)]; see below for available options
about:settings/autofill (chrome://settings/autofill/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Autofill Options screenabout:settings/basics (chrome://settings/basics/) = built-in browser Options (settings) Manager Basics screen; same as about:settings/browser (chrome://settings/browser/) (see below)
about:settings/browser (chrome://settings/browser/) = built-in browser Options (settings) Manager Basics screen; same as about:settings/basics (chrome://settings/basics/) (see above)
about:settings/clearbrowserdata (chrome://settings/clearbrowserdata/) built-in Options (settings) Manager Clear Browsing Data pop up window:
Clear browsing history
Clear download history
Empty the cache
Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data
Clear saved passwords
Clear saved Autofill form data
about:settings/contentexceptions (chrome://settings/contentexceptions/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Cookie and Site Data Exceptions screen (defaults to Cookie and Site Data Exceptions screen if not followed by other available option preceded by #); available options:
about:settings/contentexceptions#cookies (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#cookies) = Cookie and Site Data Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#fullscreen (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#fullscreen) = Fullscreen Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#images (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#images) = Image Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#javascript (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#javascript) = JavaScript Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#location (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#location) = Geolocation Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#mouselock (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#mouselock) = Mouse Cursor Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#notifications (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#notifications) = Notifications Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#plugins (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#plugins) = Plug-in Exceptions
about:settings/contentexceptions#popups (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#popups) = Pop-up Exceptions
about:settings/cookies (chrome://settings/cookies/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Cookies and Other Data screen
about:settings/fonts (chrome://settings/fonts/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Fonts and Encoding screen
about:settings/handlers (chrome://settings/handlers/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Protocol Handlers screen
about:settings/importdata (chrome://settings/importdata/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Import Bookmarks and Settings dialog box
about:settings/languages (chrome://settings/languages/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Languages screen
about:settings/packextensionoverlay (chrome://settings/packextensionoverlay/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Pack Extension dialog box
about:settings/passwords (chrome://settings/passwords/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Passwords screen
about:settings/personal (chrome://settings/personal/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Personal screen
about:settings/searchengines (chrome://settings/searchengines/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Search Engines screen
about:settings/syncsetup (chrome://settings/syncsetup/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Sync in with your Google Account dialog box
about:settings/underthehood (chrome://settings/underthehood/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Under the Hood screen
about:stats (chrome://stats/) = Counters + Timers values, delta + time test benchmarks stats
about:sync (chrome://sync/) = browser sync detailed info
about:sync-internals (chrome://sync-internals/) = sync internals info: about, data, notifications, events + sync node browser
about:syncpromo (chrome://syncpromo/) = Welcome to Google Chrome screen: set up Chrome with Google account, Google account sign in screen and link to back up and sync bookmarks, history + settings
about:tcmalloc (chrome://about/tcmalloc/) = last page load/reload stats
about:terms (chrome://about/terms/) = terms of service (TOS) agreement
about:textfields (chrome://textfields/) = textfields detailed info (if any)
about:tracing (chrome://tracing/) = Record tracing stats: records + displays keyboard key presses + mouse movement into buffer; Load: loads tracing stats from file; Save: saves tracing stats to file; about:gpu (chrome://gpu/ Profiling tab: moved here (see further above)
about:version (chrome://about/version/) = Chrome and built-in components + supported standards version info
about:view-http-cache (chrome://view-http-cache/) = list of locally cached URLs (http:// + https:// protocols); same as about:cache (see further above)
about:workers (chrome://workers/) = list of Shared workers (if any): Id, URL, Name + Process id.
Built-in (internal) "about:" commands with debug functions (self explanatory), which mimic an error or other situation that crashes/hangs/kills the browser:
about:crash (chrome://crash/) = displays dark slate gray crash web page
about:inducebrowsercrashforrealz (chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/) = crashes the browser after which displays this dialog message:
"Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Relaunch now?
OK Cancel"
about:kill (chrome://kill/) = displays indigo kill web page
about:hang (chrome://hang/) = locks up the browser
about:shorthang (chrome://shorthang/) = locks up the browser
about:gpuclean (chrome://gpuclean/) = empty GPU (texture) buffer
about:gpucrash (chrome://gpucrash/) = displays error 300 invalid URL web page
about:gpuhang (chrome://gpuhang/) = displays error 300 invalid URL web page.
Google Chrome crash + kill web pages display this message:
"Aw, Snap!"
CAUTION: These debug commands crash, hang or kill the browser! Use only if needed.
More like these:
Google Chrome's about: Pages.
List of About Pages and Hidden Easter Eggs in Google Chrome Browser.
Google Chrome's List of Special about: Pages.
Google Chrome easter eggs.