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Sunday 31 March 2013

Chrome Crypter v5.3 Free Download [ 100% FUD ] UPDATED

Chrome Crypter 5.3 download :]

Click Me To Download Chrome Crypter


Facebook Cracker Private Tool

Facebook Cracker Private Tool

I Don't Think I Need To Elaborate This More As You Can Clearly See In The Image Itself How It Works.
Still If You Can't Understand Then Seriously You Don't Deserve This.

Download It From Below Link

Additional Download Link In Case If You Don't Have Any Good Wordlist.
Mine Contain More Then 1 Lakh Passwords.


Download Cool Premium Tools For Free

Download Cool Premium Tools For Free

1. CPA Blaster v2.03

SETUP: Download Link -1 | Download Link -2

CRACK: Click Me To Download

2Mass Video Blaster v2.30

3. Pin Blaster v1.43 [UPDATE 12th March '13]

4. Short URL Blaster v1.06

5. Video Marketing Blaster v1.36

6. Video Spin Blaster v2.90


We Are Anonymous

                                      We  Are  Anonymous                                                     


Facebook Hacking Methods All In One

Facebook Hacking Methods All In One

So You Guys wanna Learn Facebook Hacking. ..How to Hack Facebook Accounts Easily Yeah And I Mean It.
So Here Goes All Methods Of Facebook Hacking From Zero To One .. .
Let's Go.
Before Starting I Think You Guys All Know What Is Facebook How To Use It .. That's Why You Are Here.
So Before Starting Let me Clear One thing There's No Such Software Exists Which Will Hack Facebook for You

The Only Two Methods By Which You Can Hack Facebook Is
Hire A Professional Hacker Who Will Hack For You
Or Just Learn All These Methods which i'm Gonna Provide you

Facebook Hacking Methods Are Following:

1. Session Hijacking Attack
2. Facebook Security
3. Cookie Stealing Attack
4. Keylogging
5. Clickjacking
6. Tabnabbing
7. Remote Administration Tools
8. Social Engineering Attack
9. Phishing attack
10. Using 3 Fake Friends Method

 Session Hijacking Attack :

What Is Session Hijacking Attack ? Session hijacking, also known as TCP session hijacking, is a method of taking over a Web user session by surreptitiously obtaining the session ID and masquerading as the authorized user. Once the user's session ID has been accessed (through session prediction), the attacker can masquerade as that user and do anything the user is authorized to do on the network. 
Click Here To Get In Detail With Session Hijacking:-Click Me

Facebook Security :-

When you bookmark the URL for Facebook or any of your other social networks, be sure to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. This encrypts your communications.

In fact, you will have to temporarily disable this feature any time you give access to a new application. That alone should give you confidence that you have achieved a greater level of protection.
Click Here To Get In Detail With Facebook Security:- Click Me

Cookie Stealing Attack :-

In this tutorial i will explain how you can hack a Facebook/twitter accounts by stealing cookies. This method works only when the victims computer is in a LAN (local area network ).Best place to try out this is in schools ,collages ,cafes . where computers are connected in LAN .Before i proceed let me first...
Click Here To Get In Detail With Cookie Stealing Attack :- Click Me

Keylogging :-

What Is Keyloggers? Using key logger utility you will be able to establish full control over your computer. You will also find out, what was going on your computer in your absence: what was run and typed etc which act as best children internet protection software. Using the keylogging program constantly,...
Click Here To Get In Detail With Keylogging:- Click Me

Clickjacking :-

What is Clickjacking? Clickjacking is a technique used by hackers or spammers to trick or cheat the users into clicking on links or buttons that are hidden from normal view (usually links color is same as page background). Clickjacking is possible because of a security weakness in web browsers that allows...
Click Here To Get In Detail With Clickjacking :- Click Me

Tabnabbing :- 

Hey friends,It's Chris Defaulter Valentine.An Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE),Internet Marketer IIT hacker I Have 10 Years' Experience Circumventing Information Security Measures And Can Report That I've Successfully Compromised All Systems That I Targeted For Unauthorized Access Except One. I Have...
Click Here To Get In Detail With Tabnabbing :- Click Me

Remote Administration Tools :- 

A remote administration tool (or RAT) is a program that allows certain persons to connect to and manage remote computers in the Internet or across a local network. A remote administration tool is based on the server and client technology. The server part runs on a controlled computer and receives commands...
Click Here To Get In Detail With Remote Administration Tools :- Click Me

Social Engineering Attack :-

I myself have had a few people in the past ask me questions on social engineering. I always say to anyone, you need to imagine social engineering as a game. But before i talk about the 'Game', I want to go into detail about Basic knowledge and self preparation. Basic knowledge and self preparation: It's...
Click Here To Get In Detail With Social Engineering Attack :- Click Me

Phishing attack :-

Phishing - is an e-mail fraud method in which the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking email in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients. Typically, the messages appear to come from well known and trustworthy Web sites. Web sites that are frequently spoofed by phishers include...
Click Here To Get In Detail With Phishing attack :- Click Me

Using 3 Fake Friends Method :-

Hack Facebook Account" is most popular term is the in Web, Previously I posted many articles on "Hack Facebook Accounts" with Keyloggers, phishing, etc but that Hacking Of Facebook Account methods are not working fine now a days. So Hackers have to go smarter and we have found a new security hole (its just...
Click Here To Get In Detail With Using 3 Fake Friends Method :- Click Me


This tutorial is only for Educational Purposes, I did not take any responsibility of any misuse, you will be solely responsible for any misuse that you do. Hacking email accounts is criminal activity and is punishable under cyber crime and you may get up to 40 years of imprisonment, if got caught in doing so. 



Saturday 7 July 2012


These Easter Eggs apply to Google Chromium + Chrome web browsers.
Chrome + Chromium about: links.
Some of these commands are undocumented, have been modified, updated, renamed and/or discontinued. Therefore not all of them exist in all browser versions, and some may have different names and/or changed functionality in newer browser builds.

    Things you can do with the built-in (internal) "about:" command [command names and all parameters are case insensitive], translated as "chrome://" into the browser [ending forward slash (/) after parameter name (chrome://parameter/) is optional]:
        about: (chrome://about/) = Chrome and built-in components + supported standards version info
        about:about (chrome://about/about/) = complete list of available about: (chrome://) commands; same as about:chrome-urls (chrome://chrome-urls/) (see further below)
        about:appcache-internals (chrome://appcache-internals/) = application caches info
        about:blank = new empty browser tab (window) with white background; see also "KILL IE ABOUT: URLS", also in REGISTRY.TXT [part of W95-11D.EXE]
        about:blob-internals (chrome://blob-internals/) = internal blob data info
        about:bookmarks (chrome://bookmarks/) = built-in Bookmark Manager
        about:bugreport (chrome://bugreport/) = built-in BugReport options (if any)
        about:cache = list of locally cached URLs (http:// + https:// protocols); same as about:view-http-cache (chrome://view-http-cache/) (see further below)
        about:chrome/help (chrome://chrome/help/) = built-in Help (About) page
        about:chrome-urls (chrome://chrome-urls/) = complete list of available about: (chrome://) commands; same as about:about (chrome://about/about/) (see further above)
        about:constrained-test (chrome://constrained-test/) = detailed constrained test
        about:crashes (chrome://crashes/) = list of all browser crashes (if any)
        about:credits (chrome://about/credits/) = list of all components + technologies used in Chrome with respective home page + license URLs
        about:conflicts (chrome://conflicts/) = list of all Modules loaded + registered (available for loading when needed) into Google Chrome and eventual conflicts (if any)
        about:devtools (chrome-devtools://devtools/) = list of available developer tools (Chrome developer builds only)
        about:dns (chrome://about/dns/) = list of all prefetched + preresolved DNS records + host names
        about:downloads (chrome://downloads/) = built-in Downloads Manager
        about:extensions (chrome://extensions/) = built-in Extensions Manager
        about:extension-icon (chrome://extension-icon/) = list of extensions icons
        about:favicon (chrome://favicon/) = built-in browser favicon
        about:flags (chrome://flags/) = list of all available configurable/customizable settings + features that can be disabled or enabled; similar to about:labs (chrome://labs/) (see further below)
        about:flash (chrome://flash/) = detailed info about (built-in or external) Flash plug-in
        about:gpu (chrome://gpu/) (newer browser versions) or about:gpu-internals (chrome://gpu-internals/) (older browser versions) = GPU Info tab: video hardware Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) + Chrome/Chromium features, status, version, driver info, diagnostics + logs; Profiling tab: moved under about:tracing (chrome://tracing/) (see further below)
        about:histograms (chrome://about/histograms/) = list of all available histograms + graphs
        about:history (chrome://history/) (older browser versions) = built-in browsing History Manager
        about:history2 (chrome://history2/) (newer browser versions) = built-in browsing History Manager with color coded URL interface + more features
        about:internets (chrome://internets/) [undocumented!] = "Internets": "Don't Clog the Tubes!" animated 3D pipes, similar to Windows 9x/NTx OpenGL screen saver ; must have sspipes.scr in %windir%\SYSTEM32 (Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7) for this to work [%windir% = usually C:\WINDOWS (WinXP/2003/Vista/2008/7) or C:\WINNT (Win2000)]; older Chrome builds only, newer builds display error 300 invalid URL web page ;-(
        about:ipc (chrome://ipc/) = IPC detailed info
        about:keyboard (chrome://keyboard/) = built-in default keyboard shortcuts + combos
        about:labs (chrome://labs/) = list of all available configurable/customizable settings + features that can be disabled or enabled; similar to about:flags (chrome://flags/) (see further above)
        about:media-internals (chrome://media-internals/) = list of Active audio streams + Cached resources (if any)
        about:memory (chrome://memory/) or chrome://about/memory/ (older browser versions) or chrome://memory-redirect/ (newer browser versions) = memory usage in multi-process browsing: summary + processes
        about:net-internals (chrome://net-internals/) = net internals info: data, proxy, events, DNS, sockets, SPDY, HTTP cache, HTTP throttling, SPIs, tests + HSTS
        about:network (chrome://network/) = I/O tracking info: list of all images, scripts + objects from a web page opened in a new tab
        about:newtab (chrome://newtab/) = opens a new browser tab
        about:objects (chrome://objects/) = list of all Objects on current web page
        about:plugins (chrome://plugins/) = installed plug-ins info + disable/enable separately each plug-in in case of problems
        about:print (chrome://print/) = built-in Print Manager
        about:quota-internals (chrome://quota-internals/) = 3 tabs detailed info:
            Summary: Summary + Misc Statistics
            Usage & Quota: Usage and Quota Database Browser
            Data: Dump
        about:sessions (chrome://sessions/) = list of Sessions (x) + Magic List (x) (if any)
        about:settings (chrome://settings/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager main screen [defaults to Basics screen if not followed by other available option after the forward slash (/)]; see below for available options
        about:settings/autofill (chrome://settings/autofill/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Autofill Options screenabout:settings/basics (chrome://settings/basics/) = built-in browser Options (settings) Manager Basics screen; same as about:settings/browser (chrome://settings/browser/) (see below)
        about:settings/browser (chrome://settings/browser/) = built-in browser Options (settings) Manager Basics screen; same as about:settings/basics (chrome://settings/basics/) (see above)
        about:settings/clearbrowserdata (chrome://settings/clearbrowserdata/) built-in Options (settings) Manager Clear Browsing Data pop up window:
            Clear browsing history
            Clear download history
            Empty the cache
            Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data
            Clear saved passwords
            Clear saved Autofill form data
        about:settings/contentexceptions (chrome://settings/contentexceptions/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Cookie and Site Data Exceptions screen (defaults to Cookie and Site Data Exceptions screen if not followed by other available option preceded by #); available options:
            about:settings/contentexceptions#cookies (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#cookies) = Cookie and Site Data Exceptions
            about:settings/contentexceptions#fullscreen (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#fullscreen) = Fullscreen Exceptions
            about:settings/contentexceptions#images (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#images) = Image Exceptions
            about:settings/contentexceptions#javascript (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#javascript) = JavaScript Exceptions
            about:settings/contentexceptions#location (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#location) = Geolocation Exceptions
            about:settings/contentexceptions#mouselock (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#mouselock) = Mouse Cursor Exceptions
            about:settings/contentexceptions#notifications (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#notifications) = Notifications Exceptions
            about:settings/contentexceptions#plugins (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#plugins) = Plug-in Exceptions
            about:settings/contentexceptions#popups (chrome://settings/contentexceptions#popups) = Pop-up Exceptions
        about:settings/cookies (chrome://settings/cookies/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Cookies and Other Data screen
        about:settings/fonts (chrome://settings/fonts/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Fonts and Encoding screen
        about:settings/handlers (chrome://settings/handlers/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Protocol Handlers screen
        about:settings/importdata (chrome://settings/importdata/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Import Bookmarks and Settings dialog box
        about:settings/languages (chrome://settings/languages/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Languages screen
        about:settings/packextensionoverlay (chrome://settings/packextensionoverlay/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Pack Extension dialog box
        about:settings/passwords (chrome://settings/passwords/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Passwords screen
        about:settings/personal (chrome://settings/personal/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Personal screen
        about:settings/searchengines (chrome://settings/searchengines/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Search Engines screen
        about:settings/syncsetup (chrome://settings/syncsetup/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Sync in with your Google Account dialog box
        about:settings/underthehood (chrome://settings/underthehood/) = built-in Options (settings) Manager Under the Hood screen
        about:stats (chrome://stats/) = Counters + Timers values, delta + time test benchmarks stats
        about:sync (chrome://sync/) = browser sync detailed info
        about:sync-internals (chrome://sync-internals/) = sync internals info: about, data, notifications, events + sync node browser
        about:syncpromo (chrome://syncpromo/) = Welcome to Google Chrome screen: set up Chrome with Google account, Google account sign in screen and link to back up and sync bookmarks, history + settings
        about:tcmalloc (chrome://about/tcmalloc/) = last page load/reload stats
        about:terms (chrome://about/terms/) = terms of service (TOS) agreement
        about:textfields (chrome://textfields/) = textfields detailed info (if any)
        about:tracing (chrome://tracing/) = Record tracing stats: records + displays keyboard key presses + mouse movement into buffer; Load: loads tracing stats from file; Save: saves tracing stats to file; about:gpu (chrome://gpu/ Profiling tab: moved here (see further above)
        about:version (chrome://about/version/) = Chrome and built-in components + supported standards version info
        about:view-http-cache (chrome://view-http-cache/) = list of locally cached URLs (http:// + https:// protocols); same as about:cache (see further above)
        about:workers (chrome://workers/) = list of Shared workers (if any): Id, URL, Name + Process id.

    Built-in (internal) "about:" commands with debug functions (self explanatory), which mimic an error or other situation that crashes/hangs/kills the browser:
        about:crash (chrome://crash/) = displays dark slate gray crash web page
        about:inducebrowsercrashforrealz (chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/) = crashes the browser after which displays this dialog message:

            "Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Relaunch now?
                               OK       Cancel"

        about:kill (chrome://kill/) = displays indigo kill web page
        about:hang (chrome://hang/) = locks up the browser
        about:shorthang (chrome://shorthang/) = locks up the browser
        about:gpuclean (chrome://gpuclean/) = empty GPU (texture) buffer
        about:gpucrash (chrome://gpucrash/) = displays error 300 invalid URL web page
        about:gpuhang (chrome://gpuhang/) = displays error 300 invalid URL web page.
    Google Chrome crash + kill web pages display this message:

        "Aw, Snap!"

    CAUTION: These debug commands crash, hang or kill the browser! Use only if needed.

    More like these:
        Google Chrome's about: Pages.
        List of About Pages and Hidden Easter Eggs in Google Chrome Browser.
        Google Chrome's List of Special about: Pages.
        Google Chrome easter eggs.

Crash the Computer Easily ?

f u wnt to crash someone's PC just try this

Open a notepad
Type the following

start rabi.dat
save the file as rabi.dat
by using right click you can change icon

once the file is created if some one is going to click it

the system will crash

plz give me reply if u like it